Rescued Cats Adventures

Special Multi-Book Sale!

We’ve put together some special prices when you purchase a full set or a half set.

Rescued Cats Adventures

18th Book To Be Released Soon!

Squeakie and Bree’s Secret Gardening Adventure is the latest book in the series and will be released soon! Watch this space!

Rescued Cats Adventures

Create A Magnetic Book

Magnetic books are a great resource for the pre-school and primary classroom. They have numerous uses and can be easily created from any of our high-quality PDF books!

Rescued Cats Adventures

Cat Wall Calendars

The feline stars of the Rescued Cats centre, are back, featuring in their own beautifully printed 2025 calendars.


Rescued Cats Adventures

Cat Desktop Calendars

The feline stars of the Rescued Cats centre, are back, featuring in their own beautifully printed 2025 desktop calendars. You won’t regret inviting these characters to share your workspace! Grab your copy now.


Rescued Cats Adventures - Available in Paperback, PDF and Kindle

I talked about you and your rescued cats to my 4 year old group and they were very interested. I then read them the first 2 books about Panther and Mr Bo Jangles. They were captivated and had some great discussion. They were well motivated when drawing their pictures and writing their stories. I will send you some of their pictures at some time. I especially liked the interest shown by several older boys who are sometimes hard to keep focused.

Thank you for opening up a whole new reading experience for these children.

Jennie Wallace

Titirangi Private Kindergarten Rural Campus

Discover Heartwarming Cat Tales in Our Adventure Series

Children’s Books About Rescued Cats and Their Adventures

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