Zion’s Seaside Adventure



About the Book

Zion is a large, black and white cat. He needs to have an operation but is afraid to go to the vet. His friend, Missy Moo, helps him find the courage to go. When all is done there is a promise of a seaside adventure to help Zion heal more quickly.

This book is a useful tool to lead discussion into two areas:

  1. Worries or concerns about going to hospital
  2. Having fun and being safe at the sea-side. this could be used as an introduction to a school trip to the sea-side.

ISBN 978-0-9941084-2-5





About Zion

Zion came to the Rescued Cats Centre when he was a kitten. Now a mature adult, he requires medication and regular visits to the veterinary clinic to keep an on-going medical condition under control. He is a friendly and affectionate cat but can use his claws to good effect when riled.


About the Book

Zion is a large, black and white cat. He needs to have an operation but is afraid to go to the vet. His friend, Missy Moo, helps him find the courage to go. When all is done there is a promise of a seaside adventure to help Zion heal more quickly.

Reading the story provides an opportunity for young children to talk about being unwell and/or having an operation. Removal of tonsils or similar operations can be a frightening experience for young children and fear of the unknown may be the biggest obstacle to overcome.



Teacher Notes

Preschool / Year One and Two

Show the front cover to the children the read the synopsis of the story on the back cover. If the teacher is focussing on item 1 above, commence reading, ask the children to discuss why Zion was afraid to go to the vet, ask if they have ever been afraid of going to the doctor or to hospital and encourage open discussion Complete reading the story.

If the teacher is focussing on option 2 above, read the title and ask the children how many of them have been on a sea-side adventure and encourage a short discussion. Read the book, highlighting interesting things to do at the sea-side emphasising safety near the water at all times (being with and listening to an adult, not going off on your own).

Activities related to the sea-side:

In the classroom – making sand saucers (use an old saucer, mound up damp sand in the saucer,
decorate the sand by adding small wild flowers, shells, or anything found at the beach), dyeing ‘bunny tails’ to make an attractive picture or bouquet.

At the sea-side – supervised swimming, looking in rock pools, making sand castles, having races on the sand and having a picnic.


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